Benefits of Superfruits

Grow Your Own Superfruits When You Have Chronic Pain

When you have chronic pain, you need something sweet in your diet to brighten up your day. However, it can’t be so sweet that you end up with high blood sugar! That’s where fruit comes to the rescue, as most fruits have a good Glycemic index that won’t raise your blood sugar unless you gorge on it.

Superfruits are everywhere these days and the food companies haven’t discovered them all yet. You can be the first to discover these superfruits in your backyard garden. They are full of anti-inflammatory constituents as well as antioxidants you need to relieve your chronic pain. They are available at

A place online dedicated to heirloom plants packed with nutrition.

Use These Seeds to Plant in Your Garden

Here are some of the unusual ones you might consider for your garden or back yard:

Bail Fruit – This fruit is found from Turkey through Armenia to Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. It’s about one inch long and looks like a jujube when it’s dehydrated. They are sweet and rich but the texture is spongy. These fruit trees grow in rough arid conditions. Use the pulp to make a beverage that is naturally thickened with pectin. The seeds need cold and dampness before they germinate so keep them in a bag with a damp towel in the refrigerator for a month before potting them. Baby them with a sheltered area for the first winter and then plant the seedlings in the ground the second year.

Banana Passion Fruit – This fruit originates from Peru in the valleys of the Andes. It grows as a vine and the flowers are large, deep pink beautiful ones. This one must be grown in your greenhouse because frost kills it. The fruit is yellow like a banana and its salmon-colored pulp is quite delicious. You’ll find it also has a pleasant aroma; it’s great in smoothies, juices and desserts.

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Garden Huckleberry – These were first found in Africa; now they are here in the U.S. You have to cook these deep purple berries and they are well worth it, as they are rich in anti-inflammatory anthocyaninidins. You’ll get a great yield of huckleberry fruit all summer long; plant them about 14 inches apart. These mature in about 75 days. Make pies with them!

Ground Cherry – These were what the Pilgrims used for pies, jams and preserves. They’re tart-sweet and they’re grown just like tomatoes. One odd thing about these is that the fruit grows inside a little husk that is paper thin, as if you were meant to discover it.

Giant Cape Gooseberry – These are similar to the ground cherry in that a paper husk covers the fruit, waiting for you to discover its sweetness. It’s a yellow fruit meant for preserves, pies and to dip into melted chocolate. This plant originated in Brazil.

Wow, I think I’ll go for the gooseberry in melted chocolate – dark chocolate, of course! What about you? Which will you plant in your garden this year?

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